Saturday, December 5, 2009

First Post

This is my first posting. I've decided to start blogging and share my feeling with all to see. Since no one, or very few of you, will find out my true identity (or even care less if you do or don't want to know), I think it safe enough.

There are many things on my mind right now, but first things introduction.

What does my name mean? Dragonfly is one of my totems and Bodhisattva is a Buddhist concept. Instead of defining it I'll just let you look that information up for yourself. Then put the two names together and there you have it.

What is the significance to me? A lot. Dragonfly is a fierce and patient hunter, who is very adamant at times in catching his prey. This lesson teaches me to not give up for those things that I truly want and need in my life, to be determined to succeed in all endeavors. The Bodhisattva teaches me that no matter how much I may have, there are others who will have more, and others who will have less.

I also consider myself to be a growing who sees beyond the surface and tries to discover and learn beyond that which can by normal means. I don't believe that any ONE religions has all the answers, but each has a piece or two of the puzzle of the Great Mystery. For any religion to say that it is the One True Religion is fooling itself, deceiving others as well as themselves. If 'God' is so vast, how can one perception, one perspective and/or one view be the one and only true one?

I am also a 3rd degree Wiccan High Priest. No, I don't worship Satan or devils or evil. I believe in the cycles nature, following the earth-centered consciousness and living in accordance with saving and living WITH the planet and Her creatures rather than manipulating, raping and destroying it.

So there's that. There will be more to follow later.


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